Click the photo on the left!

Here you can find a Pdf of all the available artwork from the show!


Papercut is an exhibition featuring 13 artists, all presenting artworks in and around paper. Be it a drawing, oil on paper, self-made paper, or cutouts, this exhibition has everything! Artists from all around the world are showcased in the first exhibition of MEGA Contemporary.

Featured artists are:

Larissa Kerner
Gary Taxali
Rusudan Khizanishvili
Nicola Watson
Casey McKee
David Shillinglaw
Jon Todd
Victor Castillo
Alessandro Painsi
Rasmus Rinhack
Thomas Ives
Will Barras
Jeannine Platz


Here you can find the wonderful photos by Nicolas Wendler and Jörg Heikhaus from the opening of PAPERCUT!

06.24 | PAPERCUT